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mold-remediation-chicagoImg Mold infestation can present serious dangers or risks for your home or business. Mold can cause structural damage to property and more importantly can be health hazard. If the mold is not treated and removed, it can lower property values and cause costly repairs.

At the first sight of mold, call ServiceMaster Restoration by RCS. We will send expert technicians to quickly and effectively remove your mold. We understand the importance of removing mold from your property. Our goal is to restore your property back to normal right away.

Our expert technicians are certified to identify mold and then eliminate it straight from the source. We will treat the mold and then take the necessary action to ensure that the mold does not return in the future.

First we will assess the level of mold damage. Then we will report our findings to your insurance provider. Next we will review the extent of the mold and then isolate the contaminated area and determine the proper removal strategy. Finally we will remove and clean the infected areas and protect areas from further mold being spread.

We create a customized plan for every mold job because each situation is different. We will work with your insurance provider to properly remove and mitigate the entire mold situation. Call ServiceMaster Restoration by RCS for professional mold removal today!